YOU CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVELCholesterol, one of today's most talked about but least understood medical concerns. What Exactly is Cholesterol? - It is a waxy, fat-like, non-soluble substance. What Should My Cholesterol Level Be? - Your Total cholesterol level should be over 200 (especially when under stress}) and if balanced will not contribute to chronic arterial depositing. Ideally, your TOTAL cholesterol level should be at least 220+ Some people have told me that their cholesterol levels are 130 total and the doctor says that's okay. I disagree. Less than 170 can indicate a weakened or diseased liver. We have been lied to by the AMA. Cholesterol lining arteries is not caused by high serium cholesterol, but rather it is the body's way of patching weakened arteries. The weakness in the arteries are caused by inflammation from either thick blood or less than perfect pH. A more accurate gauge of whether you are going to have blockage is a test called "C Reactive Protein" test. Most doctors do not do this test, but will soon catch on hopefully. But in the mean time you can request this blood test. Before you scoff, I suggest you go to this web site --> THINCS.org, which is a web site maintained by scientist and doctors who have proof and studies that the above statements are true. One of the studies also showed that using Statin Drugs and lowering cholesterol might possibly decrease your risk of having one type of stroke or heart attack by 2%, however, it increases your chance of developing cancer by 1500%. These scientist also studied centurians (people who live to be 100 years old) who showed no signs of senility. They consistantly had cholesterol of 250 or more (up to 500). Cholesterol is not the bad boy were were lead to believe. At least 70% of the weight of the brain and myelin sheathing (protective covering) of your nervous system is composed of fatty acids and cholesterol. Chronically low levels of cholesterol can contribute to poor brain function, memory loss and nerve disorders. Your HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN (HDL), or good cholesterol should be 45 or over. HDL or good cholesterol collects cholesterol and transports it to the liver (where it can be processed and emptied into the intestine.) Your LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN (LDL) or bad cholesterol should be approx. 160. LDL or bad cholesterol takes cholesterol from the liver to cells and is the cholesterol that contributes to arterial plaque (the substance that builds up on the inside of your blood vessels, restricting blood flow and contributing to arteriosclerosis. (Hardening of the arteries.) Also your triglycerides should be under 150. Some believe that elevated triglyceride levels can be more dangerous than high cholesterol levels. Where Does Cholesterol Come From? - Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver or absorbed from the diet. Although a sensible diet is important, it has been my experience that most people with chronic cholesterol problems are those who's troubles originate with the liver. The medical profession must also be aware of this, because the action of most cholesterol medicines work by slowing down the function of the liver. A problem with that is that the liver has at least 561 different functions and most of them are more than likely lowered along with its ability to produce cholesterol. Many in the natural health field believe that a toxic liver is the culprit that causes it to be stressed and producing too much cholesterol. If I didn't have liver disease and my cholesterol was high I would probably consider trying to cleanse the liver of the impurities that is causing the problem. What Foods Conatin Cholesterol? - Most dairy products; milk, ice cream, and cheese. It is also found in most of our dietary protein, especially glandular and red meats. Another source is cooking fats, such as shortening, lard, bacon grease, etc. As a rule of thumb, if it is in solid form at room temperature, the cooking fat is probably a high cholesterol source. Cooking oils such as olive oil, which are liquid at room temperature, usually contain low or no cholesterol. Should We Never Eat Food With Cholesterol Again? - NO many of these foods contain important nutrients such as proteins, but the average American consumes entirely too much of these foods, and too much fat, for instance we should eat only 4-6 oz. of protein a day. Eggs have lecithin and Butter has butyric acid which keeps cholesterol emulsified so that it does not attach to arterial wall. They are both a good source of fatty acids. Another consideration is when you cut back dramatically in your cholesterol ingestion, your body will go into a cholesterol famine mode and might overcompensate and produce more. Is There Anything That We Can Eat? - Eating more of the right things helps counteract cholesterol problems, such as raw vegetables with beta-carotene (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc. {Caution if liver is chronically weak}) Non-soluble fibers such as grain (especially oatmeal, old fashion rolled oats) beans, and raw fruits (especially apples.) Keeping your bowel clean and moving is also a BIG plus in lowering cholesterol, because non-soluble fiber in your intestine inhibits the absorption, and metabolism of cholesterol from food as it moves through the intestinal tract.
The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |