One night, as a young teen, I was laying in my bed at night and I started to notice the bottom of my foot start to itch really, really bad. I remember thinking "hmmm this is weird" without knowing why. I layed in bed rubbing my itchy foot against my bed frame....Then it started to get worse and worse. The more I would scratch, the more it would itch and the itch got much worse as time went on. I didn't know what was going on. I am trying to remember, as this was years ago, but, I think, after talking with my Mom, we thought that I must have warts, because I had just had a wart removed by a Dr. not long ago. So, we looked up online how to get rid of warts at home naturally and found that apple cider vinegar can get rid of warts. So we soaked a cotton square in vinegar and taped it to my foot using bandage paper tape. It seemed to almost sooth the itch a little bit. So I kept this vinegar pad of cotton on my foot all day and it slowly started to like burn, and, layers of skin peeled off. I noticed that there was a black little string coming out of the bottom of my foot.....I thought "oh this must be the root of the wart", as we had read about this online and the wart I had removed on my foot had a little black root. So I used tweezers and pulled it out thinking it would be gone..... but........ One day, after layers of skin peeled off from wearing the vinegar pad on the botton of my feet, I went to visit my Aunt in the country , and since it was a big piece of property, I walked around a lot. And I noticed that my foot was burning, a little itchy and stabbing. Now comes the shocking discovery of that night...... That night I felt a tickle on the bottom of my foot and, when I took off my sock, I saw poking through the cotton pad what looked like peices of grass coming from the bottom of my foot. I was surprised and thought I must have gotten cut grass on the bottom of my foot but, as I removed the cotton pad, there were TONS of what looked like long black curly wires coming from the bottom of my foot. I was shocked and wasn't sure what to think. I was still thinking it must be grass. So I pulled off all of those things and bent them between my fingers and noticed that they would bounce back like a wire texture. Well, I put on a new vinager pad and went on with my night. Now, every time I put the vinager on, it would burn really bad, and when I say really bad, I mean REALLY bad, and also I would feel stabbing from time to time, but, I put up with it because I thought it must be pulling out all of these wart roots and that I must just have tons of warts. This kept going on every night that I would remove the vinager pad, there would be more of these long black wires. And, eventually, I realized that they were not just something I stepped on, but, that they were coming right out of my foot. I could see them through my skin and would used tweezers to pull off the dried skin, and it would just be full of these string wires. Actually, as I write this, I remember that both feet had this on their bottom and on the top of my feet there were these purple dots. I really just thought it must be some kind of warts. This went on a long time until finally no more came out and I thought "Phew, it's over". The itch was gone!!! I was so happy!!! Then, I went to the dermatologist to get my feet checked because I was still worried and still had purple dots on the top of both feet. The Dr. just looked at the bottom of my feet and said "looks like whatever it was you got rid of it" and I don't remember what she said about the purple dots on the top of my feet. I think she just said it's not warts, but, she didn't even have them tested as she didn't seem to think it was anything serious. They eventually faded away and didn't come back. So, anyway, a few years later, I noticed the itch again and thought "oh no". So, I don't remember if I put vinager on my feet again, but, I started to pull out black strings again. This comes to the time I knew Dr. Mary! I had been working with her already a while on my terrible OCD and decided to tell her about this itch and these warts. So, I told her and she said "take a picture". So I did. I sent it to her and this comes to my biggest discovery yet about all of this......She emailed me back and said "you know I think these look like MORGELLONS DISEASE not warts". I was shocked. I never heard of Morgellons disease and immediately went online to research it....And, to my surprise, there it was, pictures of long black wire strings coming out of skin. I suddenly understood that all of this I had been going through was not warts, but, Morgellons disease. I felt a bit of comfort knowing this. I felt like there wasn't something seriously wrong with me and that it was just this skin disease that most people or even Dr.s don't know much about. So I read on about it and found that some Dr.s call it delusional parasititis and say that people are imagining that they have some parasite crawling under there skin when nothing is there, like it was all in their head, some kind of psychosis. I was mad! I thought "how could there be something going on in my body that I feel and see and they are just saying it's all in peoples heads?". So I am here to say that Morgellons disease is a REAL thing, not a mental illness. It is the worst itch that I have ever felt in my life and it literally feels like something crawling under my skin. This is not something a person is just making up! Also, as I continued my research and talked to a Lyme literate Naturopathic Dr. of mine about this, (she had already had my blood tested to see if I had Lymes disease as I had been bitten several times by ticks and I tested negative twice) But after asking me a bunch of questions and hearing my symptoms over the years (including having big purple stretch marks, or what I learned were Bartonella marks, having the Morgellons disease and the terrible OCD) she clinically diagnosed me with Lyme disease and Bartonella, telling me that I probably had it a long time and it was hiding from the tests. That's why I tested negative. Also I found out that they can all effect your mental health and is probably partly, if not all, the cause of my awful OCD. Also, looking back in retrospect, I can see that, when my Morgellons disease flared up, my OCD would be flared up at the same time. So, I believe that they are intertwined. I have even heard stories about people that get these strings coming out of their arms and hands and eyes and all over their body. It's wild! I just thought, and still think, how thankful I am that I just have it on the bottoms of my feet and no where else on my body. I have even heard this awful story of, I believe, a Dr. (or someone with a high power job) that had these strings coming out of his hands and arms causing him excruciating pain. He would sit in his hot tub every night and tons of them would come out of his skin. Sadly, this guy had to quit his job because he was in so much pain. No one understood. He might have even gone to Dr.s and they said it was in his head. This poor man was in such a bad situation that he ended up taking his own life. Just after this, his family found the Morgellons awareness website and finally understood what he was going through. Sadly, it was too late. People really suffer with this, as did/do I, and I just want anyone who reads this article to know you are not crazy and you are not alone. I still have that itch on one of my feet and have recently found out that Morgellons disease can come from a tick bite (which I got when I was 12 the first time). So, as of recently, I have been taking herbal tinctures to get rid of the Lyme disease, Bartonella and Morgellons disease and the itch has gotten better, and so my OCD has gotten just a tiny bit better, but, still there, because I have had them so long....Now, I am just working on getting better, taking my herbs and hoping the Morgellons disease goes away, because no one really knows how to treat it as it is just a new discovery. I am now starting to feel some hope that I can get rid of all of this! I hope this article helps someone out there to not be embarrased or feel gross, because I felt gross a long time because of this. I want to thank Dr. Mary, because she encouraged me to write this article. Love and hugs to all! Emma
EDITOR: Thank you so much Emma for being willing to share your story to get the word out on this little known contraversal health condition The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |