Understanding Healing CrisisWhen I hit a healing crisis and started to detox, I quit using herbs. I thought the herbs were making things worse, thank goodness, out of desperation I returned to those herbs, rode out the cleansing and healing process and now enjoy better health than I had when I was 22 years old. Many people are caught off guard and fail to understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follows a change to a healthier lifestyle. Many of these symptoms and changes are unpleasant but they are short in duration and are sporadic and are a necessary part of the healing process. There are several reasons why this happens: #1 The body and mind begin to show changes because the quality of nutrients coming into the body is of higher, quality than the the tissue of which the body is made. The body begins to discard the lower grade materials to make room for the superior materials. The discarding of the material can come through the bowel causing diarrhea, through the kidney causing back ache, a flair-up of gout, cloudy urine, through the respiratory system causing a cold or sinus drainage or through the skin causing boils, acne, rashes, hives, liver spots, psoriasis, etc. Cleansing through the uterus can cause heavy bleeding, cramping, clotting or foul discharge. #2 Indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, bloating and burping usually starts soon after you start herbs. This happens because your body is not used to digesting these nutrients which often indicates that you have been deficient of these nutrients for a long time. The body's digestion usually improves in a week or two. Taking the herbs with meals or with papaya mints will often help. If you are over 35, you might want to consider using food enzymes to help you digest the herbs. #3 Suppressed body functions will be stimulated to detoxify the body, sometimes inducing colds, diarrhea, fevers, swelling, acne, boils and vomiting. This is temporary and is part of the healing process. The body will return to at least the same level of health as before if not superior health UNLESS you do something to suppress this progress. #4 Nervousness, headaches, fatigue, irritability and depression often happen when you cut out any artificial stimulants such as sugar, chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, tobacco, caffeine or recreational drugs. You will not get the desired result if you substitute one artificial stimulant for another. So, it is best to just ride it out. It is important at this time to rest and sleep more. Once the artificial stimulants are eliminated the body is ready for the building process. The energy of a healthy, well nourished body is superior to any artificial stimulant. #5 Moderate weight fluctuation often occurs (either weight loss or weight gain). If you continue the healthier lifestyle the weight will stabilize. #6 Skin eruptions, warts, boils or acne. The skin is the largest eliminating organ, so the concept of toxins coming out through the skin is easily understood, even if it is hard to face. Getting the other eliminating systems to do the brunt of the work will help as will dry skin brushing. #7 Aches, pains, headaches and arthritis will often get stirred up, even if you haven't been suffering with it for years. This happens because uric acid and toxins aggravate these conditions as they are cleansed from the body. It is extremely important to drink an adequate amount of water, keep the bowels moving and nutritionally support your liver. #8 Fevers are not uncommon when dormant bacteria and virus are being cleaned out. Suppressing the fever can frustrate the body's ability to kill and clean out these invaders. If the fevers get out of control, I suggest putting onions in the socks on the bottom of the feet to give the body the sulfur it needs to support the immune system. #9 During a cleansing and healing of the liver hormones may readjust causing change in menses, prolong fertility and a little spotting. * #10 The body heals most efficiently during the proper level of sleep. So while healing, sick or injured the body will induce fatigue to help ensure rest and sleep.
This sounds discouraging, but the healing crisis doesn't last very long and the benefits of cleaning the body of these toxins and disease elements are vitally important. These bacteria, virus or toxins are going to show up sooner or later. You can either have a healthy body handle them on your terms or it will come out when it overpowers your weakened body. It is better to go through small healing crises than a full blown health crisis. * If you are in doubt about whether what you are experiencing is a normal part of healing contact a competent health professional. The focus of this site is to "educate, validate, and suggest alternative methods for the treatment of health conditions," which are not readily available to those who go through mainstream programs. To help ensure good results, high quality foods and supplements are vital. Knowing that the cost of supplements can get overwhelming, we provide a wholesale store. This is a courtesy, not a requirement for you to ask your questions. We are here to help people, not just gain customers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. ***When working with natural health it is beneficial that you have an understanding of the signs of a healing body. *** |